Venue and Travel information

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Conference venue:

Conference venue: The 5th Pythagorean conference 2025 will be held in Kalamata, which is conveniently located in Messinian Bay near the foot of Mountain Taygetos. There are three options for travelling to the conference venue:

By Air:

Kalamata Airport (KLX) is well-connected to major cities, including Athens, Thessaloniki, Munich, Stockholm, Moscow, Zurich, Amsterdam, Prague, London, Milan, Vienna, and Manchester, through regular and charter flights. The airport is conveniently located just a 15-minute drive (approximately 13 kilometers) from both the conference venue and the city center.

By Car:

Kalamata is accessible by highway from Athens and Thessaloniki via the ‘Eastern Peloponnese Highway,’ ‘Olympia Road,’ and ‘Aegean Highway.’ The distance from Athens is approximately 239 kilometers, and the journey typically takes around 2 hours and 30 minutes by car.

By Bus:

There is a regular bus service from Athens to Kalamata.


Remember that Greece is a member of the European Union and a Schengen country. Then, a valid passport or, for Schengen countries, an identification card is all that is needed for entry into Greece by citizens of European Union countries. Guests from many countries can enter Greece without a visa. If you need a visa to enter Greece and attend the 5th Pythagorean conference 2025 conference, please request an official invitation letter from Ilias Kotsireas.