Conference Schedule
The conference schedule and abstrcats can be found here.
- Herbert Wilf, "Two exercises in combinatorial biology"
- Gert Almkvist, "Ramanujan-like formulas for 1/pi^2 and String Theory"
- George E. Andrews, "Partition Function Differences, and Anti-Telescoping"
- Miklos Bona, "Permutations as Genome Rearrangements"
- Rod Canfield, "The Asymptotic Hadamard Conjecture"
- Sylvie Corteel, "Enumeration of staircase tableaux"
- Aviezri Fraenkel, "What's a question to Herb Wilf's answer?"
- Ira Gessel, "On the WZ method"
- Ian Goulden, "Combinatorics and the KP hierarchy"
- Ronald Graham, "Joint statistics for permutations in S_n and Eulerian numbers"
- Andrew Granville, "More combinatorics and less analysis: A different approach to prime numbers"
- Curtis Greene, "Some Posets Related to Muirhead's, Maclaurin's, and Newton's Inequalities"
- Joan Hutchinson, "Some challenges in list-coloring planar graphs"
- David Jackson, "Enumerative aspects of cactus graphs"
- Christian Krattenthaler,
"Cyclic sieving for generalised non-crossing partitions associated to complex reflection groups" - Victor H. Moll, "p-adic valuations of sequences: examples in search of a theory"
- Andrew Odlyzko, "Primes, graphs, and generating functions"
- Peter Paule, "Proving strategies of WZ-type for modular forms"
- Robin Pemantle, "Zeros of complex polynomials and their derivatives"
- Marko Petkovsek, "On enumeration of structures with no forbidden substructures"
- Bruce Sagan, "Mahonian Pairs"
- Carla D. Savage, "Generalized Lecture Hall Partitions and Eulerian Polynomials"
- Jeffrey Shallit, "50 Years of Fine and Wilf"
- Richard Stanley, "Products of Cycles"
- John Stembridge, "A finiteness theorem for W-graphs"
- Volker Strehl, "Aspects of a combinatorial annihilation process"
- Michelle Wachs, "Unimodality of q-Eulerian Numbers and p,q-Eulerian Numbers"
- Doron Zeilberger,
"Automatic Generation of Theorems and Proofs on Enumerating Consecutive-Wilf classes" - Eugene Zima, "Synthetic division in the context of indefinite summation"